Plastic Injection Molding Machine Ei series舜展機械精心打造的塑膠射出成型機,無論是機台結構之剛性與穩定性、成型循環時間與塑化性能等,皆徹底呈現敝公司機台的非凡性能。以精益求精的設計概念及品質取勝之經營理念,生產精良的產品與提供健全的售後服務。敝公司秉持產品重質及服務用心的精神,使機台享有高精密組合與高性能的品質,同時提升並延長機台之使用壽命。舜展機械之機台廣泛應用於電子產業、汽車產業、家電用品及光學眼鏡…等產業。更致力於新產品之研發,不惜以高價成本採用國外零配件使機台擁有一定的性能和品質,讓客戶端感受到敝公司之用心且享有機台長期的價值與保障。台灣為主要工廠之據點,分別生產內銷與外銷至歐美、澳洲、東南亞、中東市場。
Focusing on Energy-saving toggle outward plastic injection molding machine, Shuenn Jaan Machinery Co., Ltd. is dedicated to develop the Ei series which is able to save up to 70% energy consumption by using servo motor as energy saving solutions. Ei series have achieved highly precision, lowly platen deflection and wear-resistance. The personified operational interface makes the machine operation easy and ensures the production quality. It is easy to operate with automatic detection functions, displaying the machine’s extraordinary injection molding performance. We are in cooperation with Taiwan Research Institutes to obtain latest skill and knowledge in plastic injection molding machine area. With over 30 years of experiences, our machines are widely used in electronic industry, auto industry, optical eyewear and household appliances all over the world.

檔案下載:Plastic Injection Molding Machine Ei series

https://033367315.tw66.com.tw/web/SEC?postId=1210837VERDER AIR PUMPS

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